4 Ways To Dress To Impress at Work for Women

Especially as a woman in business, it can be really hard to tread that expected line between looking well put together and being accused of caring too much about your looks. While everyone wants you to look the part and expects more effort from you aesthetically than they might from a male coworker, it’s also considered shallow if you show yourself to care outwardly. This means it can be hard to find the line of how to style yourself. Well, we’ve decided to offer you a handy list of outfit and accessory ideas to help you dress to impress the right way as a woman in business.

  1. Know what suits you

This is a fashion rule it pays to abide by outside of the workplace too. You can pick up the most beautiful designer dress in the world, but if it isn’t a cut that’s flattering to your body type then you won’t be happy with how you look. As a result, you won’t feel confident in what you wear amd you won’t give off the atmosphere you want to in a work situation. So spend some time understanding what your body is like and what you look good in in order to make the most of your adverts.

  1. Choose your jewellery carefully

Jewellery is a fantastic accessory to any outfit, but when it comes to choosing jewellery to wear for work you have to tread a little carefully to avoid coming across as frivolous. For a work outfit, it may be best to pick either something that is unobtrusive, or something simple but bold like a personalised necklace which adds to your outfit and makes you come across as confident. However, when going with any statement jewellery it’s best to choose something timeless – wearing something dated has the opposite to your intended effect.

  1. Pay attention to other successful women

As the old adage goes, dress for the job you want – not the job you have. Keep an eye on any successful women in positions above you, particularly those you aspire to emulate or have particular respect for. How you dress isn’t and shouldn’t be a big part of your professional persona, but it can help you to craft similar impressions to those who have been successful and perhaps create the same aura of confidence for yourself.

  1. Don’t prioritise style over function

Though that pair of bold shoes may look memorable and professional and seem like the perfect addition to your outfit for that important presentation – if they’re too high, they are too high. Above all in a work outfit you need to be able to perform your job well, and that is what should be your priority when you are putting together outfits for work. There’s no point looking the part if you cannot perform it!

Dressing well for work can be difficult, especially if you’re a woman rising through the ranks of business. But if you keep a few rules in mind, and above all focus on the fact that being good at your job is what really makes the difference, hopefully you can make looking the part work for you.

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