5 Ways To Get Inspired When You Can’t Get in Touch With Your Creativity

Even the most creative of us sometimes have days where we simply can’t come up with an idea. It can be really frustrating, especially if your work depends on your ability to be full of ideas – it can feel like you’ve lost a superpower you didn’t realise you relied on so heavily. These periods never – or rarely – last very long, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t frustrating, so here we’ve put together a few tips for how you can get your creative juices flowing again.

  1. Extreme sports

Though the antics of those who enjoy extreme sports aren’t something most of us would ever try, that doesn’t mean they aren’t really exciting to watch! It’s unbelievably impressive to watch parkour athletes bouncing over railings and up walls, getting around cities in the most inventive ways possible, for example – and similarly watching people execute amazing tricks on a stunt scooter or BMX can be really invigorating. The sheer creativity of their sports is enough to make anybody feel inspired.

  1. Go through your old creative work

It doesn’t always need to be an external influence that gets your creative juices flowing. If you’re in a creative rut, sometimes it can be enough to go back through your own old ideas. Whether you kept your ideas in notebooks, on an old computer, or in a beaten up sketchbook somewhere, occasionally you’ll come across an old gem of an idea that you didn’t follow through – or alternatively, you’ll remember how creative you can be and get your motivation back simply by remembering what great skills you have!

  1. Talk to others

No person is an island and talking to others when you’re stuck with your creative juices all stoppered up is a great way to get them flowing. Bouncing off of other people’s ideas or helping them with theirs can be a great way to get your own creativity flowing; and often, two heads are better than one and you may just end up working on a great joint project.

  1. Look up prompts

If you’re really feeling lost in the creative doldrums, then there’s no shame in looking up creative prompts. They’re all over the internet, and you can of course tailor your search to suit whatever creative medium you’re working with; painting or craft prompts are just as easy to track down as writing prompts or business idea starters. And a prompt doesn’t need to be any more than that – often you’ll end up going in an entirely unexpected direction, but the prompt is just what gave you that spark!

  1. Work backwards

One unusual way to get your creative juices flowing is to approach a project backwards. Instead of trying to start at the beginning with a blank page, imagine or create an ending for the project and then work specifically towards that – for example, if you’re trying to write an article or a story you should try to come up with an amazing ending, and then work backwards from there to make the rest of your project lead towards the ending.

Feeling like you’ve lost your creativity can be really unpleasant, but there’s no need to get stuck in a rut for too long. Hopefully at least one of the tips on this quick list will help you to get your head back in the game!

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