5 Signs You’re Overworked and What You Can Do About It

With the end of the year approaching, many of us are trying to frantically tick things off our to-do list so that we can enjoy the holidays a little. There are quite a few signs of being overworked that you should keep an eye on, but sometimes you might just have a feeling that you can’t shake which can be a sign that you’ve been working too hard for too long. One of the biggest signs for me is a lack of energy despite getting enough sleep and nutrition. If you’d like to learn more about the common signs of being overworked and what you can do about it, keep reading.

5 Signs You’re Overworked
1) Feeling like you’re unable to meet your normal commitments because you’re so busy with work. Constantly feeling like you’re not having the balance in your life that you’re striving for.

2) Struggling to disconnect from work and feeling like you always need to be available whether it’s for phone calls or work emails despite the time.

3) Anxiety before going to work, either in the mornings before a work day, or on Sundays before the work week begins. This is often referred to as ‘Sunday Scaries.’

4) A constant lack of energy that doesn’t seem to disappear despite taking care of yourself or doing the things that ‘usually work.’

5) Reduced quality of work that doesn’t seem to improve despite your best efforts.

If you’ve noticed one or more of these examples, then chances are you could be overworked. There are a few things you can do now that can help you with these feelings, but overall the most important thing is some self care, mindset work, and perhaps even an extended break from work. Keep reading to learn more about each of these suggestions. 

Self Care
The great thing about self care is that it looks really different to everyone. What makes you feel energized? What makes you feel like you can take on the world? Whatever that is, then you should be doing more of that each day. It could be as simple as going for a manicure, or something as heading to Covington Hill Country with some friends and doing some wine tastings. Whatever it is that recharges your batteries, try to do more of that each week.

Mindset Work
What we tell ourselves each day can make such a big difference to how we think, feel, and even the mental strength that we have. If you’re constantly filling up your head with negative thoughts then it will impact your productivity at work and then you’ll end up in a cycle where you’re not being as productive as you want or need to be, and then you will be probably talking negatively to yourself. Why not start each day telling yourself that today is going to be a great day, and then watching how that comes to life. You might also want to look into some supplements from HealthLeaders that can help with mood and energy levels such as calcium and magnesium. An Extended Break From Work
Depending on the company you work for, this might be possible if you’re in a really bad way with stress. If you don’t have any paid leave available to you, it might be worth looking into the option of taking some unpaid leave. With Christmas holidays coming up, you can probably take a few unpaid days off and join them with holidays you’re due to take a longer period away from work. Talk to your employer or the HR department about how you’re feeling and see what options you have. While you’re off from work, head to Mes Amis Barbershop for a fresh cut. You might also want to use this meeting to discuss your workload and to see if there is any way to reduce it somewhat or to bring someone on board to help.

Feeling overworked is not a great feeling and can cause really significant problems if left unresolved. I hope these three suggestions help you find some relief from feeling overworked.