Vitamin D Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vitamin D is a powerful vitamin that impacts several functions of our body. Vitamin D influences metabolism, elimination, and inactivation in the cells of our body. Every cell in the human body contains a receptor, especially for vitamin D, which makes this vitamin necessary for the healthy functioning of our body.

It is known that going out in sunlight or exposure to the sun enables the body to produce vitamin D. This is because the sun’s exposure stimulates the production of this vitamin from cholesterol. But, it is unlikely to achieve sufficient vitamin D through food or sunlight. Hence, vitamin D deficiency is common. Utilizing vitamin D3 soft gel can reduce the impact of vitamin D deficiency.

However, to decrease the symptoms of the deficit, understanding how vitamin D works and its benefits is essential. In this article, we will explore the sign, symptoms, and remedies for vitamin D deficiency.

Understanding the Work of Vitamin D

All the vitamins necessary for our body are defined through their solubility in the body. For instance, most of the essential vitamins are water-soluble, which means these vitamins dissolve in water. However, vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means it dissolves in oils or fats but not water. This also indicates that vitamin D can be stored in the human body for longer duration.

Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 are two main forms of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is found in mushrooms, plants, and yeasts, and vitamin D3 is present in egg yolks and fatty fish. For a person with vitamin D deficiency, the vitamin D3 soft gel will be two times more effective than the vitamin D2 supplement.

Impact of Vitamin D on The Body

The consumption of vitamin D in any form such as vitamin D3 soft gel leads to a two-step conversion in the body. The first step leads to the formation of calcidiol through various liver functions and the second step forms calcitriol through several functions in the kidney. Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D, which means it is the steroid hormone form that reacts with the receptors found in our cells.

Vitamin D stimulates multiple activities in our body, such as phosphorous and calcium absorption, immune system health, etc. If the deficiency of vitamin D is left unattended, it can cause various other health issues, such as:

  • Rickets
  • Osteopenia
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Depressive disorder
  • Regular cold and flu

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

As symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are subtle, it is difficult to figure out signs in the early stages. We have compiled a list of vitamin D deficiency signs and symptoms that can help you recognize the occurrence of this deficiency early.

  1. Illness

Our immune system is responsible for fighting common diseases caused by bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Vitamin D has a direct impact on strengthening the functioning of the immune system. During vitamin D deficiency, the efficiency of the immune system reduces, which may lead to frequent illnesses such as cold, cough, flu, etc.

The vitamin D3 soft gel can prevent frequent infections by stimulating the proper working of the immune system.

  1. Fatigue

While fatigue is caused due to various health conditions, vitamin D deficiency is often ignored. Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are known to cause regular fatigue, which reduces the quality of life.

In a trial/study, a 28-year-old woman who had trouble sleeping was assessed. She experienced extreme sleepiness in the daytime. To observe the cause of the symptoms, various sleep disorder tests were carried out, which revealed negative results. It was observed that sleepiness, fatigue, and subsequent headache were a result of extremely low vitamin D levels. After receiving the appropriate vitamin D3 soft gel supplement, the woman experienced relief from headaches and fatigue.

  1. Back Pain

There are various causes of back and bone pain, and vitamin D deficiency is one significant contributor. Since vitamin D leads to calcium absorption, lower levels can cause low absorption of calcium, which can result in back pain and bone pain.

  1. Anxiety

Sometimes, the reason behind anxiety and depression symptoms can be caused due to vitamin deficiency. In a study, the efficiency of vitamin D as a mood enhancer was tested on the elderly. Vitamin D deficiency makes individuals 11 times more disposed to anxiety and depression symptoms.

  1. Slow Healing

Individuals with vitamin D deficiency or low levels of this vitamin in their blood heal slower than healthy individuals. The vitamin D supplement controls inflammation in the body along with stimulating healing. Low levels hinder healing due to high inflammatory markers.

How to Reverse the Impact?

Undoubtedly, exposure to sunlight is the best source of vitamin D for most individuals. However, most of the time, in the case of vitamin D deficiency it is not enough. No individual can sit in the sunlight for long durations. Hence, other ways of increasing vitamin D in the body must be utilized, such as vitamin D3 soft gel. As already discussed, vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 for increasing vitamin D levels in the body. Hence, the gel can help the body heal quickly from deficiency symptoms.

However, it is strongly suggested to not try several methods for increasing vitamin D in the body. Extensive exposure to sunlight or a high dosage of vitamin D can cause toxicity in the body. This toxicity can cause low concentration, confusion, vomiting, depression, drowsiness, high blood pressure, and constipation.


It is common for many individuals to develop vitamin D deficiency due to low sunlight exposure, dairy, and fish product consumption. If you observe some or most of the above symptoms, it is necessary to increase the intake or exposure through food or vitamin D3 supplement. However, it is suggested to consult your doctor if you have any underlying health conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, etc.

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