Why Every Hospital Needs a Hemodialysis Machine

Hospitals are expected to provide the highest quality of healthcare to their patients. One essential component of that care is hemodialysis treatment, in which a patient’s blood is circulated through a machine to remove waste and excess water. 

Hemodialysis machines are essential in offering effective medical solutions for many kidney diseases. Not only are they crucial to keeping patients comfortable and healthy, but they also help hospitals improve their patient care levels. 

This article will provide an overview of why a hemodialysis machine should be an indispensable part of every hospital’s inventory and how it can benefit the hospital and its patients. 

In addition, this article will explore the common problems with hemodialysis machines, how to solve them, and tips for properly maintaining a hemodialysis machine to maximize its lifespan.

What is Hemodialysis Machine?

Hemodialysis machines are hospital furniture used to perform hemodialysis, a life-saving procedure to filter the blood in our bodies. These machines are equipped with sophisticated technology that can control and monitor the process of cleaning and purifying your blood.

Hemodialysis machines are programmed to perform a variety of timed cycles, like ultrafiltration and dialysate exchanges, to complete the necessary treatment. By connecting two tiny needles directly into the veins and arteries, these machines allow patients to receive optimal levels of nutrition while removing undesirable toxins resulting in improved feelings of wellness and vitality.

Difference Between Dialysis and Hemodialysis

Dialysis is the general process of removing waste from the body through diffusion and convection. In contrast, hemodialysis is a more specific type of dialysis that targets blood to be filtered through a semipermeable membrane, thus purifying it.

Types of Hemodialysis

The three main types of hemodialysis are:

In-center Hemodialysis

In-center hemodialysis is a type of dialysis offered at clinics or hospitals. Patients that choose this option need to travel to the clinic three times per week or four times, depending on the doctor’s recommendation.

During these treatments, a patient’s blood will be pumped out of their body through a machine where it is cleaned and later sent back into the patient through two needles in their arm. These treatments usually last four to five hours as the machine does its job, filling patients with a sense of rejuvenation afterward.

Home Hemodialysis

Home hemodialysis is an effective and rewarding modality for those with kidney failure who want greater independence and control over their health treatment. The patient can perform this form of dialysis several times a week at home in a safe, comfortable, and private setting. 

With careful instruction from a trained medical team and ongoing monitoring, patients can confidently manage their home hemodialysis regimen. Home hemodialysis reduces mode of delivery costs for the clinic. It offers convenience for both the patient and health care team due to its flexibility in scheduling around the patient’s other daily activities.

Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an effective way of treating kidney failure. It is a type of hemodialysis that uses the patient’s peritoneum as a membrane for filtration. Dialysate, or the fluid used in PD, is filled with electrolytes and blood cleansers, which are then circulated into the abdomen through a catheter before removal. 

This gives the kidneys a rest from performing their regular job and eliminates metabolic waste from the body. PD offers several advantages over other forms of hemodialysis since it can be done at home rather than in a hospital setting and allows for consistency.

Why Is Hemodialysis Needed?

Hemodialysis is essential when the kidneys cannot adequately perform their regular life-sustaining duties. This means that too much fluid, waste, or other substances build up in the body and begin to cause health complications. 

Through hemodialysis, a person’s blood can be filtered through a machine to rid their system of buildup that could hurt them. Some people must be on dialysis for the rest of their lives, while others have benefited from transplants and other treatments that replace or supplement kidney function. 

Hemodialysis is a crucial treatment for those whose regular kidney function cannot keep their body healthy and balanced, and its importance should not be overlooked.

Key Features of Dialysis Machines

The following are the key features of dialysis machines:

Automated Blood Flow Control

Most dialysis machines are equipped with computer-controlled pumps that precisely control the speed and volume of blood flow during the dialysis procedure.

Safety Features

Dialysis machines are designed with various safety features to ensure patient comfort and safety. These features may include alarms that sound when a patient’s blood pressure or heart rate falls too low and automatic shut-off valves that prevent overfilling of the dialysis machine.

Monitoring and Tracking Abilities

Advanced dialysis machines typically come equipped with sensors that can monitor and track the patient’s vital signs during the procedure. This allows doctors and nurses to monitor patient progress and adjust treatments accordingly. 

Infection Control

Dialysis machines are designed to minimize the risk of infection by using high-efficiency filters, heat exchangers, and specialized tubing.

Integrated Software

Many modern dialysis machines come with software that can help doctors and nurses analyze and monitor the patient’s progress and generate detailed reports on the procedure.

How to Care For Your Hemodialysis Machine

Maintaining a hemodialysis machine is similar to maintaining any other medical equipment. Care for your hemodialysis machine by following these easy procedures:

  • Clean the dialyzer after each use by soaking it in a concentrated sodium hypochlorite solution. Rinse it thoroughly with sterile water and air dry before storing.
  • Change the dialysate solution at least once daily and discard it according to local regulations.
  • Inspect the tubing and other components for any signs of wear or damage. Replace any damaged or worn parts immediately.
  • Monitor your patient’s vital signs throughout the treatment and adjust the machine settings accordingly.
  • Change the filters in the system as recommended by your manufacturer.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for regular maintenance and cleaning of the machine.
  • Store the machine in a clean, dry location out of direct sunlight.

Common Problems With Hemodialysis Machines and How to Solve Them

Low Blood Flow

If the blood flow rate is too low, it can cause inadequate dialysis. To solve this problem, check the filter, tubing, and dialyzer for any obstructions. If the obstruction can’t be found, replace the filter, tubing, and dialyzer.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can lead to complications such as hematoma, rupture, and infection. To solve this issue, adjust the pump speed and flow rate.

Air Leaks

Faulty seals or cracks in the system can cause air leaks. Check the tubing for leaks and replace any faulty parts to solve this problem.

Alarm Malfunction

If the alarms are not working correctly, it can make monitoring the patient’s condition difficult. To solve this problem, check the wires and connections and replace faulty parts.

Insufficient Dialysate

If the dialysate is not adequately flowing, it can cause inadequate dialysis. To solve this problem, check the filter, tubing, and dialyzer for any obstructions. If the obstruction can’t be found, replace the filter, tubing, and dialyzer.

How to Choose the Right Hemodialysis Machine for You

Here are factors to consider when choosing a hemodialysis machine:


Consider the different types of hemodialysis machines available and what functions they offer. Consider the size, the power, the type of dialyzer, the number of treatment options, and the range of settings.


Hemodialysis machines can range in cost from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Consider what the machine will cost, and weigh the benefits of the different machines against the cost.


Find out how often the machine needs to be serviced, how difficult it is to maintain, and how much it will cost to maintain the machine.


Consider the comfort of the machine and its user. Look for machines that are designed to be comfortable and easy to use.


Make sure that the machine comes with a good warranty. This will help protect your investment and ensure that you are covered in case of any problems.

If you’re interested in setting up hemodialysis machine at your diagnostic center, you can rely on Medwish for the purchase of your equipment. To find out more about our services, get in touch with us immediately.

Bottom Line

The importance of having a hemodialysis machine in a hospital is undeniable. It can help diagnose conditions that previously lacked clarity, such as kidney dysfunction and fluid overload, and it can provide life-saving treatments for patients in dire need. 

With its high effectiveness and convenience, hemodialysis is necessary for any hospital that provides cardiac care or kidney-related services. Furthermore, access to such cutting-edge technology ensures hospitals remain competitive while safeguarding patient safety and wellbeing.

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