Great Tips for Skin Care That will Keep you Young

You can have flawless skin or hideous skin with the right skin care tips. These skin care tips don’t just pertain to expensive products.

A daily skin care regimen that you adhere to will make the difference in having smooth, glowing skin. These tips are easy to implement, and don’t require a lot of time. Consistency is key.

Even if you’re young and still have the perfect skin, don’t forget that youth is fleeting. You will see the signs of neglect in your skin 10-20 years from now. Poor diet, smoking and tanning will make your skin look like an old pair of shoes. This is something no one wants, so make sure you take care of your skin. Even if you’re older, it is impossible to reverse the clock, but good skin care can slow down the effects of aging.

Here are some great tips for skin care that will keep you looking young and beautiful, regardless of your age.

1) Avoid smoking and excessive drinking

While it’s okay to enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail occasionally, excessive drinking can lead to rapid aging. Both cigarettes and booze are full of toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your skin. The deadly toxins found in cigarettes and smoking are well-known for premature aging. Smokers tend to develop wrinkles earlier than others. Those who smoke heavily will have early wrinkles and blotchy skin.

2) Use sun protection

It is a fact that excessive sun exposure can cause wrinkles and skin that looks older than your leather furniture. Some people believe they can’t live without the “golden glow” of tanning. However, it will ultimately cost them their skin.

Make it a habit to apply a moisturizer that has UV protection every day, not just on sunny days. Use sunscreen when the sun shines the most. Also, be sure to protect your skin from the sun’s rays at noon. This will not only keep your skin younger longer but also protect you against skin cancers.

3) HydrationThis is a key to healthy skin.

If you want to have beautiful skin, your beverage of choice should not be sodas or coffee. Water must be consumed throughout the day. Dehydration can be caused by drinking water for a few minutes now but not for several hours. Water helps flush out impurities, moisturizes the skin from the inside, and helps you control your weight.

4) For great skin, it is important to get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep not only affects your skin but also your overall health. Overtired people are less productive and are more likely to be sick. So, why not just call it a night and get the rest that you need.

Sleeping well will reduce stress levels and allow your skin to heal.

5) A peeling off dead skin cells can reveal a brighter complexion.

Your skin regenerates itself by creating new skin cells and pushing away old, damaged skin cells. These dead skin cells are removed by exfoliation, which reveals the lustrous and youthful skin beneath. For dry skin, it is best to exfoliate once or twice per week. Normal and oily skin may need more frequent exfoliation, perhaps 2-3 times per week. Use an exfoliant that suits your skin type and don’t overdo it. You skin is delicate so don’t scrub it like you’re cleaning the dishwasher.

6) Get rid of old skin care products.

Nearly all skin products come with a “use by” date. It is important that you adhere to this. These products’ ingredients can be damaged by exposure to air and time. You should immediately get rid of any skin care products that have lotions or creams that are separating or have a strange smell. They may be contaminated with bacteria that can cause skin irritation or breakouts.

7) Limit sodium intake.

Too much sodium can dehydrate you and leave you with wrinkled, aged skin.

8) Clean it up – Wash your skin every morning and evening.

For normal skin types, a creamy cleanser works best. However, oily skin with acne-prone tendencies may be able to benefit from anti-bacterial cleaners. It is a good idea to get rid of all makeup before you go to bed at night. This prevents your pillow from becoming contaminated, which can lead to skin breakouts.

9) Choose a toner that suits your skin type.

Toners are used to remove oil and make-up from the skin. Your moisturizer will penetrate your pores better and do a better job keeping your skin healthy and moist. Skip the toner for dry skin. Use a cotton ball to apply the toner to oilier areas such as the forehead, nose, and chin.

10) Make sure you use the correct moisturizer for your skin and stick with it.

Oily skins require a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer. However, mature skin, especially at night, can benefit from a rich moisturizer. Avoid moisturizing with artificial colors or fragrances.

You may find moisturizers called “humectants” beneficial if you have dry skin. They draw moisture from the air to soothe your skin.