What is a grinder, and what is it for?

It may seem like an absurd question, although there are still people who don’t know what it is and how it is used. Normally, people call it a shredder, chopper, grinder, or carver, among others. But whatever its name or whatever you call it, the function will always be the same, crush marijuana to make a good joint.

At first, the grinders were used to chop or grind tobacco leaves, the result of which was quite good. From then on, the use of this type of shredding mechanism began to become popular. It was quite common to see them in tobacconists near pipe smoking utensils and cigars of different qualities. 

Until they began to market them with different cannabis designs, which the general public liked very much, and their use as marijuana grinders to let them stay well on rolling papers began to become popular.

What is the grinder?

Parts of a grinder

Its composition is very simple, and it consists of two well-differentiated parts, each one of which has a number of metal spikes or spikes, which, when joined and closed, create an intricacy of spikes that shred or crush the buds or any dry plant remains, until an optimal point for consumption.

If we look closely at the two parts, we can see that one fits inside the other, so that part is narrower. It is in that part where we have to place the marijuana or tobacco to be crushed.

Today there are countless models on the market with different sizes, nails or spikes, floors, meshes for pollen, electric types, etc. With all of them, you will achieve the same objective, although depending on the model and its peculiarities, we can obtain extra actions.


Its use is very simple, we just have to separate the two parts and introduce the marijuana in the narrowest part; otherwise, we will not be able to turn it easily. Once we have introduced the matter where it touches, we can rotate it fluidly and grind perfectly.

Grinder types

Wood grinder

As we have previously mentioned, you can find an infinite number of different models on the market. Single-deck wooden marijuana grinders are usually the ones chosen by organic growers or those who like their grinder to have engravings made by hand. These are usually made up of fine metal spikes that hold up very well over time. In addition, since it is made of wood, if a piece comes off, it will not be a big problem if we smoke it since it can often happen.

Plastic grinder

In the case of using plastic grinders, their designs are usually very striking, but they tend to break very easily. In this case, if one of the spikes breaks and we don’t realize it when the joint is lit, it will leave an unpleasant smell and taste of burned plastic. On the other hand, they are the most comfortable to transport, since they weigh very little and you can find small models.

Metal grinder

And if we use metal grinders, we will be spending a little more money than with other types of grinders, but in this case, the investment will be a success. They are resistant, the spikes are practically unbreakable, and except for the few shavings that we can pick up when scratching it, it has no other drawbacks. For this reason, it is usually one of the most used.


Grinders are popular tools marijuana smokers use alongside rolling paper and trays. Getting quality marijuana tools is challenging, which is why we recommend getting all you need at the Famous Smoke Shop. You can also get a medicinal marijuana growers license at our store.