How to Give Your Brand a Holiday Makeover For the Festive Season

There is no better time of year to be out promoting your business or pushing your brand than the festive season. The festive season is an economic crazy period and the number of customers consuming brand content is astronomical. You can’t just send out any ordinary brand message though, it needs to be festive season appropriate. If it isn’t, then the audience will easily switch off and not pay attention. To learn how to give your brand a holiday makeover this festive season, here is our simple guide.

Spread the joy

If there is one thing every customer loves, it’s a freebie. This festive season, get your hands on some branded Christmas mugs wholesale and give them out to your customers. Not only will this help spread a little holiday joy, but it will also help get your brand out there. Make sure you take the time to design a mug that embodies the festive season and helps tell the story of your brand. Look for inspiration from other Christmas mugs and then try to get a sense of how your brand can work into those designs.

An easy way to ensure you design a Christmas mug that will have your customers lining up is to engage a designer either freelance or at the mug wholesaler. A designer will be able to translate your brand, its colours and its message into a sharp Christmas mug that will have your customers remembering you for a long time to come. A great strategy to help boost your brand even further is to give one to all staff as a gift. This way, not only are customers walking around with your brand on their mugs, your staff are too.

Develop a campaign

Christmas, New Year and the entire festive season can be hard to get cut through to your audience or customers. When it comes to making over your brand for the festive season, you’ll need a strategy. Develop a specific festive season campaign that makes sense for your brand, and tell a story of why customers should work with you now and into the new year. Look for economies of scale on advertising spots by avoiding busy times or looking for radio over TV. 

Out-of-home campaigns are always a great idea over the festive season given just how many people are in shopping centres. Think posters, voiceovers and other specific advertising channels in shopping centres to give your brand cut through. A festive season campaign can really help makeover your brand and get you noticed with a potentially whole host of new customers. Plenty of people are looking for new ideas for gifts or ways to show their loved ones they care, a strategic festive campaign is the best way to get their attention. 

Make a donation

Brands are all about finding ways to make more revenue over busy periods, like the festive season. To stand out from the crowd and help give your brand a makeover this festive season, try donating money, time or goods instead. There are plenty of worthy causes that look to do great work over the festive season, helping those in need. Try patterning with one of these causes or asking your team to volunteer for a day or two. 

This commitment to something other than revenue can go a long way to helping give your brand a makeover. Not only will these donations help makeover the brand, but they will also make those who work for your business feel better about that. Festive donations are always appreciated and usually well documented, meaning you’ll be able to get a brand makeover in the process. Try and look for local causes that are going to champion your brand values. You can also talk directly with your employees and audience about what kinds of organisations they want to see you working with.


The festive season can be a tough time to get the attention of customers who are being overrun with brand messaging. The key to capturing that attention is making your brand stick out from the pack. This isn’t easily done, but it’s not impossible either. There are many ways to give your brand a festive season makeover including branded gifts, making charitable donations or running a targeted campaign. Whichever path you choose to go down for your brand, a festive season makeover can have huge benefits in the long term for your brand. 


TBN Editor

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