6 Ways to Take Best Care with Braces

Getting the braces for kids is a big deal. Their smile is precious, and your New Orleans dentist might have done the best job to deliver it. But you might have realized that caring for braces requires more vigilance from the kid and you.  Here are some tips to use.

Do it the Right Way

Brushing is must for dental care, but for those having braces, it’s all the more critical. Food and plaque can get stuck easily between the child’s teeth and the braces.  It increases the chance of developing cavities. Help your kids with a soft-bristled toothbrush. But that’s not enough as the kids should know how to use it properly. It’s best used at a 45-degree angle above and below the brace. With the use of the inter-ortho toothbrush, those areas can be cleaned that are inaccessible with the normal one. Most kids with braces benefit from floss threaders. It makes threading floss behind the brace’s brackets much easier. It will also help to visit this reputable Dentist in Orlando for top notch services.

Use a Fork and Knife

Getting a hungry teenager to use the utensils with braces on is undoubtedly challenging.  But when it comes caring for the braces, it is an important one. Food bite pushes the food up and between the kid’s braces that causes it to get stuck. Consuming hard foods damages the brackets and the wires. Kids wearing braces should be encouraged to eat foods like burgers and pizza with the help of a fork and knife. While consuming the crunchy fruits or the vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Consider What Kids Eat

When kids are wearing braces, they have to be more careful about what they eat. Eating too many sugary and starchy foods may end up in plaque build-up around the brackets. It can stain the teeth and cause activities that often end up in gum disease. The kids should avoid foods that are sticky and can be difficult to remove from the braces, e.g., dry fruits, caramel, chewing gum, etc.

Similarly, hard-foods are absolutely no-no. Foods such as nuts, ice, popcorn, and beef can cause damages to the wires and loosen the brackets. Carrots and apples can be problematic due to their hard nature, and they can damage the wires too. Eat crunchy foods, and cut them into small, bite-sized pieces before consuming them.

Prefer Chocolate Over Sugar

Kids love to have sugar. Sticky sweets and hard candies damage braces. But chocolate is a softer option. It dissolves quickly without getting stuck. While you move your kids towards taking chocolate, remind them to consume the various sweets in small quantities. Don’t forget to break-large chocolate bars into bite-sized pieces.

Keep Braces in Mind

Caring for braces goes beyond good oral hygiene. Most of the kids have habits that they are not well aware of.  These are fingernail biting and chewing pencils. With braces on, these habits can loosen or break the braces or brackets. Help the kids wearing braces replace these habits with some others that would not cause damage. It may be a stress ball or some other.

Visit Orthodontist

When you got the braces from New Orleans dentist, he would have suggested revisits. Listen to your orthodontist. For numerous reasons kids are not comfortable with braces. But this discomfort is temporary. Their treatment plan of the child is designed to align their teeth quickly and safely. Even if they complain about the braces, encourage them to follow the instructions.


There are many more ways to care for the braces. However, you need to make the right start.