Why you should put a PDF editor like PDFelement in your life

In recent years I have created dozens of PDFs and read hundreds of them and, although it seems like an excellent format, I have always missed the possibility of getting more out of it. I have also tried some PDF editors without too many good results and now I have had a chance to test PDFelement and am satisfied with the tests.

As I said, I use the PDF format a lot, in creative matters I have made various guides, support material for my courses, and even edited a macro guide of almost 200 words and when converting it to PDF with automatic tools such as Google docs or Open office, I was not quite happy.

On the other hand, with a good editor you can transform the document and continue editing it to finish leaving it to your liking, even adding other documents or PDFs to the same document, being able to later make all those last adjustments that make the result look round.

I like that my guides have a beautiful and professional visual aspect, that’s why I look at other media such as magazines or even some websites to be able to make a colorful and functional layout, so having PDFelement is an extra help so that later if you do the basic version with a text editor, you can adjust the position, size … in the PDF itself until you are happy with the result.

But wait…

Why don’t I use Adobe Acrobat? 

Both Wondershare PDFelement and Adobe Acrobat have a fairly similar set of editing tools. Both can combine or split PDF files, edit text or images, scan text using OCR, change page order, and export PDF files to other formats, among other functions. In this regard, both programs are at a fairly similar level. However, it should be noted that the Wondershare PDFelement tools have much easier accessibility than those of Adobe Acrobat, thanks to the optimization of their interface. But perhaps the most important reason is price. Adobe Acrobat is too expensive for me, $ 20 / month. PDFelement is definitely a lot cheaper!

In addition, it also allows you to give it a touch of interactivity such as the notes that are visible when the mouse pointer passes or the editable forms among many other options.

And speaking of the notes, I have found them very interesting to add not to the documents that I create but to those that I read, since this way I can complete them with my own information and ideas in an easy and fast way, and even to share them with other people and do an exchange of ideas through the document itself. I have also found the option to underline parts of the text very useful so that later I can consult the interesting parts of the document more quickly.

Another very useful function is to convert PDFs into formats to use for example in Word and thus be able to do a much more extensive editing of documents that otherwise can only be copied and pasted and pray that the result is half decent.

In short, PDFelement allows you to create PDF documents, edit documents already created, join several… in an easy and fast way to be able to get much more out of PDF, which is the most used format in documents. I am now using a Mac and fortunately, PDFelement for Mac is available. So happy!

Is this a worthwhile alternative to PDF Expert?

PDFelement provides a smooth, high-resolution viewing experience along with super fast loading times. You can easily navigate to one of hundreds of pages and rotate, replace or delete it and even create a new, separate PDF file from that page.

PDF Expert lets you open your files in no time, whether it’s to view an e-book measuring hundreds of megabytes or an academic document with many mathematical equations and graphics. It allows users to play two files side by side, a feature that comes in handy when you need to compare two files or view a file in its original language with its translation.

PDFelement: Powerful editing tools for precise editing

PDFelement features outstanding editing performance and provides a wide selection of marking tools that will allow you to highlight, underline, strike out, circle, add notes, and more. In addition, its “drag and drop” functionality is very precise, which can be very useful when you need to precisely mark your documents, even if your hand is shaking.

PDFelement also has powerful editing tools. Plus, when upgraded to its professional version, you can use its Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool to recognize and edit all characters in your documents. Instead of having to convert a file to Word format so that you can edit the text, PDFelement lets you add, remove, and replace text directly on your original file, which can save you a lot of time.

PDF Expert: Intuitive use – Many tools

For many users, any good PDF editor should have effective annotation and markup tools. PDF Expert understands this because it offers you a wide variety of tools in this area. In addition, its electronic signature functionality is highly appreciated by businesses. The app includes numerous stamps / labels, making it ideal for academic work or revisions.

PDFelement: Data Extraction – Powerful OCR Technology 

For those who frequently need to collect and process information, it is common to receive hundreds of forms at the same time. If all this information had to be entered manually, it would generate a very tedious job which could even cause some errors. With its batch checkout functionality, PDFelement allows users to automatically collect information from all of their forms and extract it into an Excel spreadsheet with just one click.


PDFelement applies a discount on its paid versions, ranging from almost 50%. These discounts are applied to various versions such as Windows + iOS, Mac + iOS, and Windows + Cloud. There’s even a 60% discount on the Bundle Sale Workflow. For more details, I recommend you to visit this page.


To me, PDFelement is a cheaper alternative to Adobe Acrobat and a more attractive alternative to PDF Expert. So far I am very satisfied and I think I have found a helper for me in exploring various PDF documents.