5 Signs That Show You Need to Seek the Services of a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you get injured at a workplace, it means you are eligible for compensation. Based on the complexity of the case or injury severity, you may need to consider hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer as they are a source of advice and may tell you how to start proceedings.

Their professionalism may also enable you to protect your rights and get the compensation you are eligible for. So if you are still on the fence about whether to hire a workers’ compensation attorney, the following are signs showing that you need one:

1. Denied Claim

Insurance firms may deny your claim for various reasons. Luckily, if your workers’ compensation claim is designed, you may always appeal the decision.

But the importance of appealing a claim denial adds some level of complications when it comes to your case, which you are unprepared to deal with alone.

All states’ process of appealing differs. However, many of them need to present a compelling piece of evidence and file the necessary paperwork. Your attorney will represent you well to ascertain your case is properly handled.

2. Discrimination

It is common for workers to target workers who have decided to move forward with filing workers’ compensation claims.

Unfortunately, this usually borders blatant bullying. You deserve fair treatment, whether this involves mean-spirited responses or an attempt at dissuading you from filing a claim.

If you have a discrimination experience in responding to your workers’ compensation claim, your attorney may help you in taking legal recourse.

3. Less Compensation

Even when your employer agrees to offer you compensation, the problem can be that the amount you are getting is too little.

That way, employers may report a successful compensation, but in reality, the amount doesn’t serve any purpose, or it pays for the entire medical procedures.

So that means, if the compensation amount you receive from your employers is grossly less, working as a workers’ compensation attorney might be necessary.

4. Not receiving News Regarding Your Claim

After filing your claim and reporting your injury, employers may take more time reviewing your workers’ compensation case. With regard to comp law protecting employees, the time duration to review claims may vary.

If you don’t hear anything from your employer, you can be eligible for collecting a penalty too. Not getting compensation can be the main sign, which needs you to hire an attorney to help you with your workers’ comp claim.

5. Negotiation with Insurers

You need to constantly contact your lawyer when and if the insurers push you back on your workers’ compensation claim.

It won’t matter whether your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance is privately funded or state-financed. Both kinds of companies usually face the pressure of making ends meet.

Normally, workers’ compensation insurance firms generate a lot of profits by accepting premiums as well as not paying out claims. In order to get a settlement, it is vital to have an attorney by your side.

In a Nutshell!

There are court proceedings before workers’ compensation judges hear cases. An attorney in this situation can build your case, draft a settlement, negotiate with an insurance firm, and file all the paperwork on time, not to mention preparing you to say the right things as a testimony.


Sudarsan Chakraborty is a professional writer. He contributes to many high-quality blogs. He loves to write on various topics.