A Beginner’s Guide To Blockchain Platforms


In the field of technology and finance, blockchain seems to be a new-comer. Blockchain technology came into existence in 2009 and is the underlying platform for Bitcoin. It has provided its services in many fields, like finance and healthcare. Various start-ups are working into Blockchain technology and developing applications using blockchain technology to make their business more transparent and efficient. As a result, they are scaling their businesses. This article will work for you as a guide to blockchain platforms that are important for everyone to know.

A Look At The Guide To Blockchain Platforms That Are Trending 

1 Ethereum

Ethereum is the most popular cryptocurrency just next to bitcoin and has gained vast popularity in the market. It was founded in 2014 by Vitalk Buterin who was a Russian-Canadian programmer. According to crypto blog, It is one of the dominant blockchain platforms that is open-source in nature and works as a base for other blockchain-based application development. Some of its key features are it is open for public use and strictly follows GitHub policies. This platform has helped millions to scale their crypto business.

2 IBM Blockchain

IBM is one of the leading IT company in the world and is using the blockchain technology platform to make it’s business operations more transparent, efficient and quick. The IBM Blockchain is developed using Java and Go language which provides a blockchain platform that is more permissioned network in nature which, as a result, offers more security.

3 Hyperledger Fabric

It is a recent development in the blockchain platform and was launched in 2016. Linux Foundation developed this platform intending to benefit the industries with blockchain technology. This platform has 150+ collaborating enterprises and production-ready for enterprises.

4 Ripple

This blockchain platform shares its popularity with Bitcoin or Ethereum. Founded in 2012. It is a useful performing cryptocurrency. It is an efficient and fast platform which enables funds to send globally and connect digital assets exchanges with banks.

5 Multichain

It is a permission-based, open-source blockchain network that strongly follows GitHub. It is built-in programming languages like C++, C, Javascript and Python. The platform has found its applications in various business enterprises.

6 Hydrachain

Blockchain development studio, brainbot technologies and Ethereum collaborated and created a platform called as Hydrachain. It is handy to provide a private ledger which is of much importance to enterprises. It also offers a permissioned network and follows the ethereum protocol.

7 BigChainDB

It is a blockchain platform that is open source. Some of its features are that it provides both public and private network and custom assets. It has always provided unique solutions for crypto start-ups to implement their platforms, applications and concepts successfully.

8 R3 Corda

R3 Corda shares its popularity with blockchain with the name of R3 consortium. The platform is the collaboration of some of the most important financial institutions across the globe. R3 Corda was launched in the year 2013 and is a form of permissioned blockchain network. Apart from commercial use, it is also useful for industries like supply chain, trade, finance and healthcare.

9. Open-chain

It is a popular blockchain platform among the start-ups which are looking to handle assets digitally. It has the feature of customizing the permissions. It has support for javascript language. Open-chain has a different concept of providing a client-server architecture which is more beneficial and flexible than a peer-to-peer connection.


It is one of the beginners in the blockchain’s platform world. It has the features of supporting nano payments and both public and private network. The platform is also token pricing based. It also has support for javascript language.


In this guide to blockchain platforms, we have seen that blockchain is the latest trend in the field of technology and finance and is going to influence many industries. Many of the blockchain start-ups have created applications for industries like healthcare, law firms, banking etc. Many of the prominent and giant companies, for example, IBM and others are providing blockchain platforms which feature transparency, efficiency and permissioned type of network for more security. The blockchain advisors say that these blockchain platforms are helping the enterprise to grow their businesses and will vastly benefit the industries which have not adopted them yet.