Important Issues to Understand About Child Custody and Family Law

Whether you are dealing with a divorce, a breakup, or simply need some guidance on how to proceed, there are many things to consider when it comes to child custody and family law. These issues include legal custody, visitation rights, child support, restraining orders, and more.

Among the many things that family law courts have to consider is a child’s legal custody. A child’s legal custody is a parent’s legal right to make major decisions about the child, such as where the child will live, what education the child will attend, and what medical care the child will receive.

A court may award the parent with the highest financial assets sole custody, or it may award the mother the same custody as the father. In either case, the court’s decision is based on the best interests of the child.

A court may also award supervised visitation rights to the noncustodial parent. This type of visitation gives the noncustodial parent the right to regularly schedule time with the children. Typically, the noncustodial parent will get one evening every other weekend, and other days and times will be determined based on the practical ability of the parent.

A child’s legal custody can also be awarded to a third party, such as a grandparent. If the noncustodial parent refuses to obey the court’s order, the court can hold him or her in indirect contempt of court.


Depending on the jurisdiction, child visitation can be a part of a custody arrangement or a separate legal right. The type of visitation a court grants is determined by a number of factors.

In some jurisdictions, the court may consider the quality of the home the child lives in. This is because it wants to maintain a familiar environment for the children. In other cases, the court may consider the other parent’s lifestyle.

A court may also restrict visitation if it considers that the child’s safety may be at risk. For instance, if the other parent has an extensive criminal record, or if they have abused the child in the past, the court may limit the other parent’s visitation rights.

The court may also require that the address of the child be kept confidential. It is a good idea to draft a visitation agreement that outlines the basic visitation schedule. This will include instructions on how to modify the arrangement if needed.

Child support

Whether you are a parent who is paying child support, or a parent who is receiving support, there are important issues to understand about child support and child custody in family law. It is important to work out a child support agreement before you begin divorce proceedings. It’s also a good idea to hire a lawyer who is experienced in child support cases to help you prepare a strong argument.

When calculating child support, the court considers many factors. These factors include the child’s educational needs, health needs, and standard of living. It also considers how the child would have fared if the parents were still together.

The court will calculate child support based on the income of the parents and the number of children. For example, if the parents have three children, the court will calculate child support based on 7.65% of the gross income of the parent. If the parent’s income is lower than the cap, he or she will be required to pay more. For more information & expert advice you can contact the best Oakville family lawyers in ontario.

Restraining orders

Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or you are a concerned parent, restraining orders can affect your relationship with your children. These orders can also affect your visitation rights.

A domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) is a legal order granted by a judge that allows police to intervene in a case of domestic violence. It can be issued for both sexual and physical violence.

You can obtain a restraining order by filing a petition. The petitioner must be able to prove that they are in danger of physical violence. If you need help filing your petition, you can contact a civil law self-help center.

Before the hearing, the court may require the parties to obtain attorneys. If you need an interpreter, you will need to file a request with the clerk. You will also need to prepare a list of all orders you want to be granted.

At the hearing, the court will ask the petitioner to explain what happened. The court will also ask you to tell them if you have been injured or if you believe that the abuser used a weapon.

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