6 Taboos About Crypto You Should Never Share On Twitter

The mother of cryptocurrency Bitcoin was established by anonymous founder, Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. From then on, public interest has been increasing rapidly along with other thousands of cryptocurrencies with a total value of about $2 trillion in today’s world.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, like any new field of finance, have attracted plenty of inquiries from potential investors and analysts. Digital currencies have seen considerable increases in popularity in recent years; nonetheless, there are persistent untruths, misconceptions, and rumors regarding the space in general, and specific coins and tokens in particular. As an investor or user of crypto, you should always keep yourself up to date with various authentic news sources like the top coins to get real information about crypto.

However today, we’ll look at some of the most popular taboos about cryptocurrency below:

  1. Digital Currencies Are Mostly Used for Illegal Activities

One of the most widespread (or perhaps most effective) misconceptions regarding digital currencies is that they are most commonly (or perhaps most efficiently) utilized for illegal conduct. To some extent it is true that digital currencies have been exploited by people with bad intentions as well as criminal organizations, the same could be said of fiat money as well. The secrecy that most cryptocurrencies require is one of the causes of this fallacy. Bitcoin gained popularity in illegal markets like silk road https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/silk-road.asp as the first big digital currency.

While it’s true that parts of bitcoin (such as the anonymity it offers) may have appealed to criminals conducting illegal business in that and other comparable markets, it’s important to remember that it was the transactions, not the cryptocurrency, that was illegal. Criminals could (and frequently do) employ fiat currency in their operations. According to research on the patterns of money movement on the Bitcoin network, while there was a point when most Bitcoin activities were centred in black markets and gambling sites, unlawful activity now accounts for only a small percentage of total flows.

  1. Digital Currencies Aren’t Worth Any value

Cryptocurrencies are often difficult to classify. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States has spent years trying to figure out how to classify digital currencies for tax reasons. When it comes to taxes or even regular transactions, investors have been unsure how to manage their digital assets. All of this may have led to the perception that cryptocurrencies are a passing craze or will just vanish.

In reality, not only have cryptocurrencies risen in significance and acceptance but they are also built up in such a way as to limit the chance of such events occurring. Cryptocurrencies, like TPR Coin and other types of currencies, can be exchanged for goods and services, and their value is determined by the belief of the currency’s holders. Until recently, the only real way to invest in crypto was to buy existing cryptocurrencies. New retirement platforms are starting up now that allow investors to take their cryptocurrency holdings and have them converted into a traditional IRA or 401(k) without making any changes to how it gets reported on taxes.

  1. Cryptocurrencies are a momentary trend that will eventually fade away

Cryptocurrencies may or may not survive as speculative investment vehicles, but they are causing fundamental changes in the way people think about money and banking. Stablecoins will expedite the ascendance of digital payments, ushering out paper currency, as the technology matures. The threat of competition from private currencies has prompted central banks all over the world to create digital copies of their currencies. The Bahamas has already implemented a central bank digital currency, while countries such as China, Japan, and Sweden are testing their own official digital currencies. If you still have any dollar bills in your wallet, they may soon become antiquities.

Even major purchases, such as a vehicle or a house, may soon be handled by computer programs running on cryptocurrency platforms. Digital tokens representing money and other assets could make it easier to conduct electronic transactions involving asset transfers and payments, which are frequently conducted without the involvement of trusted third parties such as real estate settlement attorneys. Governments will continue to be necessary to enforce contractual responsibilities and property rights, but the software may one day replace traditional intermediaries such as bankers, accountants, and attorneys.

  1. Crypto is not secure

There have been a number of high-profile frauds and robberies as digital currencies have grown in popularity. In many cases, these attacks were launched against digital currency exchanges. Criminals took advantage of flaws in wallets and other components of the bitcoin industry in other situations. Investors concerned about the protection of digital assets should keep in mind that hackers, thefts, and fraud are all possibilities. What’s crucial to remember is that while the encryption and mining network utilized in a blockchain network is resistant to attack, single points of failure, such as a cryptocurrency exchange’s website or a single user, are vulnerable to malicious actors. digital assets, and the exchanges that handle these currencies, have come under attack quite a few times.

Yes, it’s normal for users to wish there was an easier way to protect themselves from security breaches with their blockchain transactions. Unfortunately, no one has found a silver bullet yet. Investors can, however, alter their behavior in a number of ways to better preserve their assets. Furthermore, several governments and other financial institutions have expressed interest in blockchain technology; one reason for this is that blockchain is largely regarded as a secure and effective instrument with untapped potential.

  1. Crypto is a scam

Currently, there is a lot of hype surrounding blockchain-based technology, which has led to many investors being slightly overzealous in their approach. However, there is no reason to believe that because an investment has a “blockchain” component that it will be successful.

There is a reason for investors to be cautious when it comes to potential scams. There have been numerous initial coin offerings that have proven to be fraudulent in various ways. However, savvy investors tend to treat cryptocurrencies in the same way that they would any other potential investment: with a healthy dose of scepticism and a large amount of research and caution.

In the traditional financial realm, investors can be enticed into fraudulent investment offers as well, and this situation usually occurs when an investor does not take the time to carefully analyze and learn about the fundamentals of the opportunity. In the same way that one must sift through good and bad potential investments in the traditional financial environment, one must devote time and effort to screening out dubious cryptocurrency investment opportunities. While it’s hard to completely avoid the possibility of becoming a victim of a scam, this can significantly minimize your odds.

  1. The new crypto bubble

Many people have compared the cryptocurrency market to the dot com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Both bubbles resulted in massive investments by individuals who were eager to get into a newly emerging market. While it is easy to compare the two periods, in reality, they are quite different.

Although crypto has had its fair share of problems, it’s safe to say that it still has huge potential. Even with the price remaining low since the beginning of 2018, many companies are still making positive progress.

they’re most likely not going to follow any tried and tested formula; instead, they will be on their own. This is what makes this period of market development so exciting for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors.


This is not surprising that there will be lots of rumors about any new things in the world and for the crypto world, it is no exception. We have seen a lot of misinformation and rumors in this industry because there are too many people who don’t want to see cryptos succeed and benefit from destroying confidence in the market. The truth is that the market has experienced some serious setbacks but it remains strong because there are still many people working hard.