Choosing the right commercial construction company

When it comes to choosing the right construction company for your project, it is important to take some time and do proper research of the firms out there able to do this work. There are so many after all. Choosing the right commercial construction company is vital to ensuring that the project goes well. Whether you’re building from the ground or developing a current property, it is key you are in full control from beginning to end.

You should choose a commercial construction contractor who is compatible with you. Ideally, a builder should make you feel comfortable. It can be difficult to choose the right contractor to handle your project. In order to get good results from a commercial construction project, it is best to go for a specialist in the market. Look for a firm too with a good and strong portfolio of work to date too in this line of work.

Look for references

It is a wise decision to examine the references before hiring a commercial builder. Any trustworthy contractor would be ready to provide a list of clients and companies they have served in the past. Previous clients could help business owners with a lot of critical information regarding the construction company. See if they have done education building projects or similar.

A good rapport is key

Remember, you will be spending a considerable amount of time with the contractor. Therefore, it is important you find someone who is friendly, responsive, hardworking and ambitious. He should be someone whom you feel comfortable working with. When interviewing the education builder, ask him questions to ensure that you are on the same page. See how he responds to your questions and whether he depicts any kind of rudeness and negative attitude. A good contractor should make you feel confident and comfortable when interacting with him.

The importance of experience

For a contractor to effectively manage a large project like a commercial building, he needs a lot of experience. Before you hire a contractor, it is important you review his qualifications to determine his level of experience. Ask the contractor how many years he has been in business in your region and how many projects he handled so far. Go for someone who has been in business for at least three years and has a good track record. Also, be wary of commercial construction companies who offer lower bids. Some use low bids as a smokescreen to hide their lack of experience.

Be sure to focus mainly in quality

Speed and affordability are important, but quality should be your top priority. Ultimately, focusing only on keeping initial costs low is short-sighted. It may end up costing more in the long run if it leads to higher operational and commercial building maintenance costs. A project completed with first-rate materials, expert insight and a commitment to quality workmanship will serve you better. It’s important to work with a commercial general contracting company that has built a solid reputation is a good way to ensure a quality result and an excellent return on your investment.


When comparing proposals from different contractors, it’s tempting to skip straight to the bottom line. Don’t do it. Take the time to study the details. Look carefully at the proposed materials, systems and scheduling. Review responsibilities and see if estimates are capped or left open. Understanding exactly what is being proposed allows you to note the differences in competing proposals. We’ve seen proposals who are less than ours but leave out a lot of details. Those details ended up costing those clients more. It’s the attention to detail that also gives you a sense of how the contractor works and how they will handle your project. Our goal is to minimise and eliminate surprises.